Harry Butler Institute, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia

\(\\\) To cite this article: Cottingham A, Beatty S, Tweedley J. (2024). Spyvalve chronicles daily: Update for Mediterranean Mussels at ManMarina on 2025-01-26. Spyvalve Repositories, Vol. 1.

Spyvavle chronicles daily for ManMarina provides updates on weather and bivalve (Agents) activity for the previous 24h period (from midnight). The report provides information on data aquisition, number of active agents (individuals providing sufficient data), and valve gaping activities, incuding average activity, amount of time valves remained closed, number of full and micro-closures and synchronised closing events.

\(\\\) Monitoring station location.


Weather conditions

The following weather report is autogenerated based on data obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology for Mandurah. The contents of this report have not undergone rigorous assessment and thus care must be taken when drawing conclusions.

Air temperatures recorded at Mandurah ranged from 19.9 to 27.4 degrees C. Total rainfall was 0 mm. Humidity ranged from 49 to 75% (Fig.1). Maximum wind speed was 26 km/h (Fig.2).

Figure 1. Weather conditions recorded for Mandurah.

Figure 2. Wind conditions (direction and speed) recorded at Mandurah.

Data records for last day

WARNING. This report is autogenerated daily for data collected at ManMarina. The contents of this report have not undergone rigorous assessment. Care must be taken when drawing conclusions from the following analyses.

Figure 1. Approximate frequency of data records received by the network. This represents ~100 % of possible records for this station.

There were 8 active agents sending data (Table 1). These are based on the difference between the minimum and maximum mV values for each Agent, with a minimum difference of 10 mV being sufficient to deem those data relaible. Unreliable Agents are removed from analyses. Over the day percentage open ranged from 50 to 94 %. The number of closures for the day ranged from 33 to 62 and the number of micro-closures from 40 to 161. The maximum time all mussels closed at once was 1 minutes.

Active Min (mV) Max(mV) Diff(mV) % open n closures n micro-closures
A000 Active 500 519 19 77 34 58
A001 Active 509 542 33 73 43 47
A002 Active 505 523 18 50 40 77
A003 Active 498 509 11 94 62 161
A004 Active 503 527 24 80 59 124
A005 Active 503 519 16 89 36 40
A006 Active 519 553 34 75 43 80
A007 Active 487 527 40 83 33 70

Mean of shell gaping activity

Figure 4. Average of mussel gape activity recorded for 8 relaible agents. Data were transformed, with values of 1.0 corresponding to shells being open to their greatest extent and values <0.2 (red-dashed line) considered as shell being closed

Shell closures by the hour

Figure 5. Number of closures and total time each agent spent closed.

Figure 6. Transformed mussel gape activity for the 8 relaible agents and water temperature at ManMarina.


Appendix 1. Raw valve gape activity for ManMarina.