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The first school excursion is here for 2024!


Come join us on an epic adventure as we follow rain drops as it enters the estuary catchment, runs off into the streams and flows towards the coast through the estuary.

Spend some time with our experts

In the catchment, you’ll be introduced to one of the traditional owners, whose ancestors have cared for the estuary for thousands of years. They will speak about the history of land and the cultural importance of the land.
Here, you will also meet one of south-western Australia's leading experts on freshwater fish, Dr Stephen Beatty. With over 25 years of experience in conservation of the region’s freshwater environments, he will demonstrate the different fishing methods used to survey freshwater fish and talk about their main threats. Hopefully we’ll get to see some of those species that make this region a globally recognised biodiversity hotspot.
At the rivers, you'll also get to meet one of our experts on freshwater invertebrates, Holly-Emery Butcher. Together, we will collect samples of species from the water column and look at these under the microscope. These species will include those that remain aquatic throughout life and the larvae of many flying insects, such as dragonflies.


Next stop, the estuary, where seawater and river water mix. Estuaries are among the most productive of all marine environemnts and they are also the most degraded. Here, you'll be met by "xxx" and discover what lurks beneath the surface and in the mud.


Now, at the edge of the coast. This is the final destination of rain drops before evaporating into the atmosphere and starting the process once again. The region of the estuary close to the coast is where many fish species use for migration routes and nursery for their juvenille stages. Here, you'll meet Dr James Tweedley, our resident expert in all things estuary. Here, we'll be dropping some cameras and looking to see what swims past. We'll also be looking in the sand to see what bugs reside here.


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